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Today, more than 85% of illnesses (cancer, along with cardio-vascular, autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders, as well as reproductive problems, are dependent on 3 environmental factors: addictions (such as tobacco and alcohol), stress and pollution.

Concerning the pollution factor, numerous studies have established a link between pollutants and hormone disruption in the context of chronic intoxication. There is only one solution: identify the pollutants which interact with our bodies and remove their sources. Chronic intoxication and its devastating long term effects can be brought under control.

Active prevention is the key

Chemical pollution is an extremely complex problem, as are its effects on health. We are only just beginning to understand the extent of the disaster. There are a great number of pollutants and they can also interact with each other.

Environmental health is the challenge of our century.

Some members of the population are more vulnerable than others:

population vulnérable aux polluants

* (chronic respiratory illnesses, allergies, asthma, cardi-vascular illnesses, diabetes)

Different bodies have different reactions to the same pollutants. With the same level of exposure, each person can be more or less sensitive to a pollutant. It’s therefore necessary to identify the pollutants that each person reacts to, and remove the sources from their daily lives.

Without targeted action the effects on people’s health will only continue to increase.

Autoimmune and neuro-degenerative diseases and certain types of cancer can now be contained by specific and adapted corrective prevention.

ToxSeek’s analyses allow you to detect those pollutants which are dangerous to you. You can protect yourself and your family.

Pollutants and the hormone system

Why are hormones important?

Hormones act like chemical messengers. Although they circulate throughout the whole body, only target cells with compatible receptors are equipped to reply. More than 50 hormones have been identified in humans and other vertebrates? Hormones control or regulate a great number of biological processes and are often produced in very tiny quantities in the body.

How does the endocrine system work?

The endocrine system, composed of all the hormones circulating in our bodies, regulates all biological processes from conception until adulthood (development of the brain, the nervous system, growth, reproductive system function, metabolism, blood-sugar levels and so on). The ovaries and testicles, along with the pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands are major parts of the endocrine system.

perturbateurs endocriniens

Examples of biological processes

  • Blood sugar control (insulin),
  • Differentiation, growth and function of the reproductive organs (testosterone and estradiol),
  • Body growth and energy production (growth and thyroid hormones).

Just like a lock and key, many hormones act by binding with receptors produced at cell level. When a hormone binds with a receptor, the receptor carries out the hormone’s instructions, either by modifying the cell’s existing proteins, or by activating genes which will build a new protein. The hormone-receptor complex activates or deactivates specific biological processes in the cells, tissues and organs.

Examples of hormones

  • Oestrogen is the group of hormones responsible for female sexual development. It is mainly produced by the ovaries, and in small quantities by the adrenal gland.
  • Androgens are responsible for masculine sexual characteristics. Testosterone, the sex hormone produced by the testicles, is an androgen.
  • The thyroid gland secretes two main hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, into the blood. These thyroid hormones stimulate all the cells in the body and control biological processes such as growth, reproduction, development and metabolism.

How can chemical products affect the endocrine system?

Pollutants can take the place of a hormone. This can trick the receptors and give the target organ orders to produce hormones, or on the contrary to stop making them. Receptors are like a lock, and the messengers like a key. The perfect match between the two triggers activity on the organ level, which regulates the corresponding hormones.

An erroneous interpretation by the target organ can lead to certain reactions which can, over time, become very dangerous for the organism.

The most affected systems are:

The immune system: This system is the most easily reached (lymphatic system and ganglions dispersed throughout the organism)

The reproductive system: Numerous hormones are involved (androgens, oestrogen, progesterone, etc.)